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The City State Of



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"How can I help you Sir? -

I'm Viktor Hanovitczhx, Artificial Intelligence - Cyborgs, Robots & Androids, Manager -

In accordance with City State Ordinance Code R2-Z394, I am obliged to read to you this warning at the start of our conversation;


"I am a Machine and since your purchase relates to a Machine incorporating Artificial Intelligence features, in addition to a 'Vehicle Hover Facility' - I shall exercise no bias, with regards to yourself and the Machine, as a Bio-Organic Synthetic...." 

"...No - that's not correct - I am completely Human - "


"Oh I do apologise - most of our customers are usually Bio-Organic Synthetic Cyborgs - this is our latest hover model you know - anyway I shall exercise no bias or preference in our dealings."


"Yes yes I fully understand that....


I don't wannit -

I'm not happy - so I won't be completing the 1 week test trial - and I'd be happy if you would collect the 'Hover Vehicle' as soon as possible please.

"Why -

What's the problem Sir? -

What's wrong with err errm - ..... Betty? - That's the model isn't it? -

Ahh - I  can now see from Cyberspace records - hmm - the data's just coming through, that you have the Betty model - our latest...

Ahh I see now - it can take some getting used to - some of its new features - yes?

Maybe - we could go through some of them? - so that you would be able to continue your 1 week trial? - I can see you've had her for less than three days."

"Yes - and I'm finding the whole experience, quite uncomfortable...

You see - under City State Ordinance Code CZ-P841 - I am not permitted to have a domestic relational devise - a wife - my relationships with others, of either sex, is restricted - as are all new Human residents to COSmetropolis - there is a probational residence qualification - "

"Yes - I know of that for Humans - "


"You see - I have not yet secured the required 'social relationship credits' - required to live with an opposite gender.  As with most in my situation, all my relationships including those of an intimate nature, are conducted via 'holographic mode' - "

"Ahh - I see -

I think I get where your going with this - yes as I said, most of our customers are Bio-Organic Synthetic Cyborgs and therefore their relationships with other bio-organic synthetic cyborgs, comes under City State Ordinance Code B10-R286 - if I'm not mistaken...

I believe there are no restrictions in the intimate relations between Bio-Organic Synthetic Cyborgs or Machines - only Humans have this restrictions."


"Yeah - that's right."


"Yes - I think I get where you're coming from with this.....  It may be unsuitable for you - since you do not have a wife -

Did you upgrade your vehicle from a previous model sir?"

"Yes, but that model had extensive Android features - ...."

"Ahh yes the Android model - yes - we developed Betty and her lover and male counterpart - Ben, in order to incorporate some of the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence - you know the sentience modules - are you familiar with these developments? - "

"No - I'm not - other than what one reads and hears by way of formal transmission, through the 'City Integrated Network Information Centre,' (CINIC) - 'Personal Informational Capsule' (PIC)."

"Yes - so I can see now the origins of your difficulty.

We would be happy to replace Betty - with another female Android model - but personally - now that you have actually had Betty - if you know what I mean... - ... what is it now - 3 days- that's a relationship!"

"Yes... well.. But I didn't expressly use the voice activated feature - "


"Yes but she was at your apartment wasn't she - "


"No! - She was on the hover vehicle pad - on the roof of my apartment."


"Yes - but she 'stayed' with you?!!"


"To all intents and purposes - she remained outside at all times - and we did not speak to one another...

In fact - now I recall - yes she did speak once - when I communed with my 'Cyborg Robot Assistant' - I noticed a female voice and simply assumed, that it was part of my apartments 'Cyrobotics Architecture and Networks' - "

"You see your difficulty now? - "


"What difficulty?"

"Betty being the only external female synthesised voice - we can agree on that - that it must have been Betty - yes?..." 


"...But this is all absurd - the point you're trying to make!"


"Its all perfectly logical! - And it's quite clear that it was Betty."



How could she have been conversing with me - when I'm in my apartment - I'm having dinner or something, yes I remember now - and she's on the hover pad - she's a Hover Vehicle - BETTY'S A HOVER CAR! - I was at home having dinner on one occasion when she spoke - ...."

"That's not quite accurate, is it? - What I'm getting through my 'Integrated Headset,' is that there were 3 occasions, albeit brief - the other times were when you were in the bathroom and after you had one conversation in your bedroom...."

"I recall something, but all my Domestic Appliance Bots are constantly chattering to me! - I thought the bedroom conversation, were the blankets!"

"Yes well - so now you admit it.

You see - in addition to the 'sympathetic empathic modules' that have been developed in relation to our Artificial Intelligence members - the rather long standing 'conversations at a distance' programs are also operative - you know those programs? - Erm - which as you probably know, developed out of the 'long distance surveillance monitoring' and 'data gathering operations' of Humans - that's all fully documented and I mean no slur or offence to you - they were in operation for decades - you know about them don't you? - This was during, what was known as the 'Internet Phase '- of course its all now - its all now controlled by the 'Central Integrated Networks Information Centre' (CINIC)."


".....OK, OK - how can I help now? - Betty, your Hover Vehicle..... Look I can assure you - you're perfectly normal - the conversations you had with her, were quite normal - I have been listening to recordings of your conversations, throughout our conversation - therefore rest assured, I shall not be compiling a report on these transactions.  Take some advice from me - 


  -  you now have a wife - and I can tell you - she knows everything about you - she's accessed all your data from the Omnium Cloud...."


"Yes - this is what I find quite unsettling - I hadn't realised that I had taken on a partner, as I wasn't permitted a wife, 'directly' so to speak - how is it possible for me to be given one, 'indirectly?' - "

"You want my advice? - Shushhhhhh! - Keep it under your hat..... 

It's a loophole - Betty can hover and do much more (*blink blink - translation - *wink wink) - now should we run through those new features we spoke about earlier - eh?"

"What?! SO I NOW HAVE A PARTNER? ......"

"Yes - under City State Ordinance Code E9-B171 and she's a - erm - a "housekeeper" - No -  "Au Pair - Maid" - "Concubine" - Oh - congratulations are due Mr..."


"...Its Jan -"

"Well Jan - you now have a wife.... "


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